

La revista EN BLANCO está  preparando los números EN BLANCO 15 y EN BLANCO 16, a publicar en junio y octubre de 2014.

Podéis descargar aquí el “CALL FOR PAPERS” donde se indica el plazo de la convocatoria, las posibles modalidades de contribución y las instrucciones de envío.

Podéis encontrar más información sobre la convocatoria, los anexos, así como más información sobre la revista en la pagina web:

International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management


International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management will be held on July 16-18, 2014 in OPORTO (Portugal). 
Please visit: for more information

This congress is organized by teachers and researchers of the C3i/IPP (Portalegre, Portugal), the Extremadura University (Spain) and the Salamanca University (Spain) and has the objective to join academics, researchers and scientists from several universities in an international forum to discuss matters related to the indicated areas and also to present results of researches held in the subjects related to it's scientific areas.

We believe that we must rethink, personally, institutionally and corporately, the management that we make of the water we use, the waste we generate and the energy that we have available. That’s why we have created this congress and exhibition, that we hope can be part of our contribution for a more efficient use of these resources.

July is a great time of the year for visiting Oporto! With comfortable temperature and nice weather, you can enjoy the delicious Portuguese food, taste the great Port Wine and eat a delicious Francesinha, make a pleasant walk in the Ribeira area, all this in a splendid city with a great patrimony and History. Welcome to Oporto!

All papers will be published in the congress E-book and congress CD. The feasibility of publishing special issue(s) of reputed scientific journals will be confirmed shortly.

We remember you the deadlines of the congress:

- Abstracts sending: January 30th 2014
- Acceptance notification: February 15th 2014
- Complete Communications sending: April 1st 2014
- Information on oral or poster presentations (based on the complete communications. Everyone who hasn’t sent it will have a poster presentation and Only the abstract will be published y the abstracts book): April 15th 2014
- Early bird registration: April 1st
- Payments from April 1st have to be of 500 Euros for all participants

This edition of the congress also aims to create an area for companies, which activity is related to the areas of the congress, to expose their products, services, innovations and/or investigations. If you are interested in this subject please send us an e-mail.

Our congress has made several agreements with institutions which activity is related to our scientific areas: 

Finally, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to invite all the Scientific Community to participate in this project, presenting papers or communications related to any of the proposed areas.

Looking forward to welcome you there!

The Secretary of EWWM2014
Phone: +34 695 961 908  // +351 96 726 96 78
Twitter: @EWWM1


TEX-FAB 5 Workshops

February 22-23, 2014

After the Keynote Lecture and Symposium on Thursday and Friday we are bringing together a wide range of workshop leaders over the weekend to teach workshops at the UT School of Architecture. They will range from introductory to advanced sessions that address issues of diagramming, scripting, paneling, tensile structures and casting with a broad array of tools from Revit w/ Dynamo, Processing to the parametric plug-in for Rhinoceros, Grasshopper.


Register for a Workshop and the Symposium


A continuación se describe el nuevo Programa de Doctorado y se facilita la información sobre los documentos solicitados para la solicitud de plaza en el mismo. Os recordamos que se ofertan 2 plazas a tiempo completo en esta convocatoria de enero. La documentación podrá ser remitida hasta el 02 de Febrero de 2014 a la dirección mediante el servicio


Descágate aquí el formulario de solicitud


140110 DPAA folleto

Sesión informativa para becas La Caixa

El próximo 9 de enero de 2014 se celebrará una SESIóN INFORMATIVA en el edificio CaixaForum Madrid sobre la convocatoria 2014 del programa de becas de la Fundación “la Caixa”.


En la presente edición se convocan un total de 197 becas:

* 77 para completar un doctorado en universidades o centros de investigación españoles.
* 120 para cursar estudios de posgrado en el extranjero.


Les agradeceríamos que dieran difusión a la convocatoria de esta sesión informativa, con objeto de darla a conocer tanto a los alumnos como a los profesores que pudieran tener interés en estas becas.

La sesión se celebrará en:

CaixaForum Madrid

Paseo del Prado 36, 28014 Madrid

Hora: 19:00

Para inscribirse: [1]

Horarios de biblioteca

Estimados alumnos,

Os informamos de que la Biblioteca del Centro permanecerá cerrada del 13 al 24 de enero, debido al traslado del depósito de la la misma.


Un saludo

Os deseamos Felices Fiestas

Desde el Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos y la Oficina del Programa de Doctorado vinculado al mismo, os deseamos Felices Fiestas:


