
Certificados de asistencia PhD Fest

Se informa a los alumnos de que pueden pasar a recoger los certificados de asistencia por la Secretaría del Departamento, tanto de Noviembre como de Abril, en caso de que no se hayan recogido todavía.

Corrección de bases de convocatoria de La Caixa

Le informamos que ya está publicada la convocatoria de becas de la Fundación “la Caixa” para cursar un doctorado en universidades españolas. Se trata de becas de cuatro años con una dotación total de 113.500 €. La convocatoria se cerrará el 24 de febrero del 2014.


Con objeto de garantizar un nivel mínimo de excelencia, los programas de doctorado elegibles son, únicamente, aquellos acreditados con la Mención hacia la Excelencia.

A fecha de hoy, todavía no se ha publicado una nueva convocatoria para solicitar o renovar la acreditación mencionada. Por otra parte, es conocido que la acreditación actual no mantendrá su vigencia para el próximo curso 2014 – 2015. Adicionalmente, nos consta que los programas de doctorado ofertados el curso que viene deberán adecuarse, necesariamente, a lo establecido en el Real Decreto 99/2011, de 28 de enero, por el que se regulan las enseñanzas oficiales de doctorado.


Atendiendo, por tanto, a este conjunto de circunstancias, queremos informarle de que consideraremos elegibles, a efectos de nuestro programa de becas y con carácter general, aquellos programas de doctorado que se correspondan con los actuales programas con Mención hacia la Excelencia y que, para el curso 2014 – 2015, hayan sido verificados conforme al RD 99 / 2011 y conserven, además, la misma denominación que tenían anteriormente.


Igualmente, consideraremos elegibles aquellos programas de doctorado que, aunque en el curso 2014 – 2015 no mantengan su nombre anterior, se correspondan, según un certificado de la propia universidad, con programas que hayan disfrutado de la acreditación mencionada hasta el presente curso.


Si precisa cualquier aclaración adicional, no dude en contactar con la Oficina de Becas La Caixa.

Informe de seguimiento anual

La Comisión Académica del Programa de Doctorado ha decidido en la Comisión del 19.11.13 que todos los alumnos activos de los Programas de Doctorado vinculados al Departamento de Proyectos con tema de tesis aprobado deben presentar la siguiente documentación:



.Informe de seguimiento anual según el siguiente formulario con las tasas de pago de tutela del curso 2013/2014 grapadas.


Fecha máxima de entrega 20.12.2013


Este informe sustituye al que viene realizando la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Convocatoria Premio Ángeles Durán

Estimado/a alumno/a:


Te informo de la publicación de la 6ª Edición del “Premio Ángeles Durán” de Innovación Científica en el Estudio de las Mujeres y del Género, que convoca el Instituto Universitario de Estudios de la Mujer de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


Este premio pretende impulsar la calidad de la investigación incentivando la creatividad teórica y metodológica para garantizar el cambio social en cuanto a la aplicación de la igualdad real entre mujeres y hombres.


El plazo finaliza el 30 de enero de 2014.


Díptico de las bases de la convocatoria.


La revista PpA acaba de publicar una nueva convocatoria para la recepción
de artículos. En este caso para el número 11 que llevará por título

En los próximos días publicaremos un avance de la temática  que
propondremos para el número 12 de PpA.

Consulta el texto completo de la convocatoria del número 11 en:


Hasta el 21 de febrero de 2014. > ANUNCIOS




revista “proyecto, progreso, arquitectura”


4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development

July 22-25, 2014 * Guimarães * Portugal


Organised by: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development


Conference Overview

Guimarães, Portugal


HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development follows the path of the previous editions: it aims at establishing a state of the art event regarding the relationships between forms and kinds of heritage and the framework of sustainable development concepts.

Once again the four dimensions of sustainable development (environment, economics, society and culture) are the pillars of this event, defining a singular approach on how to deal with the specific subject of heritage sustainability. Furthermore, beyond the traditional aspects of heritage preservation and safeguarding, the relevance and significance of the sustainable development concept is to be discussed and scrutinised by some of the most eminent worldwide experts.

Nowadays, heritage preservation and safeguarding is facing new and complex problems. Degradation of Heritage sites is not any more just a result of materials ageing or environmental actions. Factors such as global and local pollution, climate change, poverty, religion, tourism, commodification, ideologies and war (among others) are now in the cutting edge for the emerging of new approaches, concerns and visions about heritage.

Thus, Heritage 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development proposes a global view on how heritage is being contextualized in relation with the four dimensions of sustainable development. What is being done in terms of research, future directions, methodologies, working tools and other significant aspects of both theoretical and field approaches will be the aims of this International Conference. Furthermore, heritage governance, and education are brought into discussion as the key factors for enlightenment of future global strategies for heritage preservation and safeguarding.

A special chapter on Heritage and Cultural Tourism was included in this edition, as cultural tourism became a major theme and a major area of research. Applied field research as well as theoretical approaches are welcome in this special chapter that is meant to be a wide and meaningful forum of debate on this topic.


HERITAGE 2014 is a peer reviewed conference.


Visit the conference website for full details about the conference scope, topics and submission procedures at:


Abstract and Panel Proposal Submission


Submit an abstract or a panel proposal via the conference website: or contact the Conference Secretariat below.




· Heritage and governance for sustainability

· Heritage and society

· Heritage and environment

· Heritage and economics

· Heritage and culture

· Heritage and education for the future

· Preservation of historic buildings and structures

· Special Chapter: Heritage and cultural tourism


eBook of Proceedings


Published in electronic format (eBook):

Title: Heritage 2014 – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development

Editors: Rogério Amoêda, Sérgio Lira & Cristina Pinheiro

Publisher: Green Lines Institute

eBook ISBN: 978-989-98013-7-0


GREEN LINES INSTITUTE is a member of CrossRef.


The proceedings of REHAB 2014 will include a DOI identification and will be indexed in CrossRef citation network.




Official Languages

Official language of the conference for publication purposes is ENGLISH. Therefore, abstracts and papers must be submitted in English.

Official languages of the conference for oral presentations are ENGLISH, SPANISH and PORTUGUESE.
Parallel sessions will be organised according to the working language.

Conference Secretariat


Secretariat HERITAGE 2014

Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development

Av. Alcaides de Faria, 377 S12

4750-106 Barcelos, PORTUGAL

Telephone: + 351 253 815 037


international journal of interior architecture + spatial design




v. 3: applied geometries

Meg Jackson + Jonathon Anderson _ editors

Geometry has always informed the process of design, serving as both as an inspiration and generator of space. More recently, the spatial design fields have increasingly engaged applied geometries in the analysis and optimization of the manufacturing and construction processes. As evidenced through the historical avant-garde interior architectures of Gaudi, Saarinen, and Fuller, the performative potential of geometry is nothing new, yet recent investigations have begun to challenge conventional practices by expanding the potential for complexity in design. Contemporary advances in the design process, largely due to digital technologies, continue to challenge the means and methods of architecture through emerging hybrids of advanced geometry.  While technological innovation has transformed the spatial and formal opportunities of designers, the unique context of architecture, as well as its humanist and social agencies, continues to challenge the fantastical potential of alternative geometries. It is within this relationship – at the interstitial space between architecture and geometry — that we position the theme of our next issue of ii.

Applied Geometriesii journal’s third issue, requests papers and projects that explore geometric advancements in relation to interior architecture and spatial design.  For this issue, we are not only interested in the use of complex computational design, advanced tectonics, fractal, differential, parametric, and algorithmic geometric practices, but also in the exploration of natural, biological, historical, cultural, sacred, and anthropometric influences in pattern-making generated through mathematical rigor. The journal seeks work that leverages the role of applied geometries as an active performer in the conceptualization, design, and production of interiors, spatial design, and light-mobile-architectures

Volume 3 of the ii journal will gather exemplary projects — historical and contemporary, theoretical and realized — that engage design complexities which evolve the relationship of geometry to interior architecture and spatial design. In addition, this issue seeks to explore new techniques, processes, materials, and technologies which are privileged toward advanced geometries

Applied Geometries will reveal contemporary developments in design education, scholarship, theory, research, and practice relative to the exploration of advanced geometries and their influence on emerging materials, tectonics, space, and technologies. As always, we are particularly interested in cross-disciplinary research and collaborations, including but not limited to, fashion, furniture, industrial design, architecture, performance, film, event design, biology, responsive design, the social sciences, and the arts.


12 January 2014 _ paper submission deadline
February 2014 _ paper selections announced
March 2014 _ final edits due
Fall 2014 _  journal printed

paper submission requirements here.  All submissions should be emailed to:
