Captura de pantalla 2016-05-06 a la(s) 13.44.18


Carmen Espegel Alonso | Main researcher







Andres Canovas


Andrés Cánovas Alcaraz | Researcher





Jose M La Puerta


José María Lapuerta Montoya | Researcher





Salvora Feliz


Sálvora Feliz Ricoy | Researcher





Arturo Blanco


Arturo Blanco Herrero | Researcher





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Elena Martínez Millana | Researcher





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Javier de Andrés de Vicente | Researcher













  • GIVCO is an established research group of the Polytechnic University of Madrid that develops its work from a clear position: understanding shared forms of habitat as possible and necessary items to generate contemporary city. The fundamental lines of work in the group are based on the deep, systematic and transmissible knowledge of the history of residential projects of the twentieth century. They pursue to validate, redeem or improve the potentialities of the built environment for the architectural production and the current debate on collective housing in areas such as typological genesis, limits of habitability, real estate management processes or modes of belonging.


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